Debunking Ancient Apocalypse: Explore White Sands and Amazon geoglyphs through archaeology, science, and skepticism See shownotes
Join in a high-stakes quiz episode about who is the most knowledgeable about pseudoarchaeology. See shownotes
Exploring the ethics of using human remains in archaeology & pseudoscience, challenging ancient alien myths & advocating for dignity & respect. See shownotes
Join Episode 77 of Digging Up Ancient Aliens, reflecting on 2024's highlights—from challenges to major breakthroughs in archaeology and beyond. See shownotes
Explore Viking burial customs with Prof. Howard Williams, debunking alien theories & uncovering the rich meaning behind Norse rituals. See shownotes
Explore archaeologists' critique of Ancient Aliens' claims about Vikings, highlighting the value of grounded evidence over sensationalism. See shownotes
Explore pseudo-archaeology in Ep. 74! Ancient Aliens, Graham Hancock's theories, Rapa Nui myths, & Coral Castle debunked. New insights await! See shownotes
Fredrik and Dr. Charlotte Coull debunk alien myths about ancient stone sites, urging respect for human history and cultural roots over sensationalist narratives. See shownotes
Explore the truth behind the mysterious crystal skulls in Episode 72 of Digging Up Ancient Aliens. Are these skulls connected to the Mayans or aliens, or are they modern fakes? Join archaeologist Fredrik as he debunks myths, reveals scientific facts, and uncovers the real history behind these famous artifacts. See shownotes
Is magic real? Ancient Alien theorists claim that it is, but not really. They claim that descriptions of magic are just misunderstood alien technology. See shownotes
Explore the controversial Kensington Runestone in episode 70 of Digging Up Ancient Aliens. We investigate claims of ancient Norse explorers in America, debunk myths, and uncover the truth behind this infamous artifact. Dive into alternative history, archaeology, and pseudo-archaeology with expert analysis and fascinating insights. See shownotes
Explore Viking history at Adelsö! Dive into ancient mounds, Viking rituals, and medieval mysteries. See shownotes
I'm going head to head with Mark, or as he is better known, Archaeosoup. Who is the most knowledgeable regarding pseudo-archaeology? Only one can emerge victorious from this battle! See shownotes
The conclusion of Lucians' true story: What was Homer's true nationality? Why did Pythagoras not like his victory meal? Was Herodotus sent to the Greek version of hell for his accounts? See shownotes
How would a person in ancient Rome describe space battles and travel? Let's find out! See shownotes
Discover Rome's treasures: Europe's sole ancient pyramid, the iconic Colosseum, Nero's controversial legacy, gladiators, and ancient Egyptian obelisks. See shownotes
We’ll explore Poland's memory laws and government efforts to promote a preferred historical narrative, focusing on Polish citizens' complicity in the Holocaust and silencing dissenting voices in museums and academia. See shownotes
Today, we dive into a topic that captivated the world's imagination: the so-called apocalypse of 2012, which was supposedly foretold by the Mayan calendar. This phenomenon sparked a frenzy of movies, books, and even TV specials, with many experts cashing in on the hysteria. See shownotes
Is there any truth to Palenque being depicted flying a spaceship? Are blood rituals a misunderstanding of how the alien communicates with humans? Is the Olmec evidence of alien travelers in Mesoamerica? See shownotes
Professor Flint Dibble is debating Graham Hancock on the Joe Rogan Experience. Archaeologists are discussing the debate and its ups and downs. Special guest Professor Howard Williams. See shownotes
Could the Shroud of Turin authentically date back to the first century? We'll explore the burial customs of the Second Temple period, the weave patterns of ancient textiles, and modern scientific methods like carbon dating and pollen analysis. See shownotes
Today, we will deal with the historical events of the Shroud of Turin, from its shrouded origin to initial accusations of being a hoax and its journey to Turin See shownotes
Let's dust off our thinking hats and join in exploring two special objects surrounded by strange claims. The Golden Hats from the Bronze Age and the Copper Scroll. See shownotes
We will investigate the queen's pyramids, take a trip with Khufu's sun boat, and sit down and read the Red Sea scrolls See shownotes
How were the great pyramids of Giza built? Let's see what the historical records, architectural techniques, and archaeological findings tell us. See shownotes
Giants have long fascinated us humans and seem to be a never-ending resource for archaeological hoaxes. Towards the end of the 19th century, there almost became a trend to create giant hoaxes. In some cases, this was just to amuse; in others, it was to prove the Bible right See shownotes
Both Ancient Aliens, Graham Hancock, and other Atlantis believers claim that the site reveals a 300-foot-tall step pyramid dating back at least 10,000 years. We will spend this episode looking at the hard evidence, the funding, and the reality of the claims See shownotes
Let's learn about Djosers Step Pyramid and the pyramid builder Sneferu. Join us as we uncover the truth behind the first Egyptian pyramids and learn about their achievements and mistakes. See shownotes
What are some of the best pyramids in the world? Some suggest that they are in El Castillo, Teotihuacan, Sican, El Mirador and Hellinicon Greece See shownotes
This time, we have a guest, Angela, from the Ancient History with Angela channel on TikTok and Instagram, who will discuss a few clips about classical Greece and Rome with us. See shownotes
A journey through the history and usage of obelisks in ancient Egypt. How where they created and moved in the past? See shownotes
Learn more about the Cathars and one of their influential personalities, Esclarmonde of Foix. A woman who was very important among the Cathars See shownotes
An archaeologist discussing Rasputin, the famous scapegoats from the Russian Revolution, the Nazi symbology of the Black Sun, and the stigmatization of mental health in pop culture? Yes, you do want to hear this. See shownotes
Can we use archeology to discuss mummies, the Book of the Dead, vampires, Camazotz, and Draugr? See shownotes
Something that's become more and more common on the web is the use of harassment tactics. Skeptics and archaeologists have not been spared from being on the receiving end of these campaigns, so let's have a serious discussion about this. I will look into the attempted harassment campaigns by Graham Hancock and Jimmy Corsetti See shownotes
This time, we will explore the fantastic ruins of Puma Punku (or Pumapunku), a temple complex located within Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco or Tiahuanacu) See shownotes
We seek to uncover the origins of Grey aliens and their creation as a modern myth. We will also explore Hopi society, Peruvian pyramids, and elongated skulls. At last, we will also disprove Brien Foerster's claimed alien DNA results. See shownotes
Let's explore metallurgy and weapons throughout history, including the mysterious claims surrounding Joan D'Arc's sword. See shownotes
Vikings - an era with many myths and sagas. But what is truth, and what is fiction? Let's dig into horned helmets, tattoos, and sheep. See shownotes
Is the Richat structure the location of the fabled city of Atlantis? According to Jimmy Corsetti, it might be the case. See shownotes
Critias is a Socratic dialogue by Plato describing the ultimate state and its fall. It's also the origin of the Atlantis myth, so let's read it together and see if it holds water to an archaeologist. See shownotes
Are there alien encounters in Ancient Greece mythologies? Could Central America have had flight 500 years ago? Archaeology explains these supposed mysteries. See shownotes
Let's explore the Montauk monster and the origin of radioactive skeletons in Mohenjo Daro See shownotes
Answering questions from listeners about Tambomachay, Egyptian Wi-Fi, and the dangers of archaeology. And I have an update on the case of Alfred Isaac Middleton See shownotes
Could there be places so evil that people who go there disappear? Alien Astronaut Theorist belive this is the case with Aokigahara forest and Dyatlov Pass. But is this ture? See shownotes
We're again back with Ancient Aliens and will discover that it's not only religious fundamentalists that don't believe in evolution. Let's examine alien creationism with paleoanthropologist Josh Lindal See shownotes
Are you ready to uncover the secret code to Alien navigation? Or are the evidence just historical sites that are being misinterpreted? Let's have an archaeological look at this. See shownotes
We examine Ancient Apocalypse's Bimini Road and Piri Reis's map. Jens Notroff shares his knowledge of Göbekli Tepe. Plus, we examine archeoastronomy claims by Sweatman/Hancock See shownotes
While exploring Ancient Apocalypse we visit Poverty Point, The Serpent Mound and Derinkuyu. We're also joined by Dr. Kinkella for a chat about pseudoarchaeology See shownotes
While exploring Ancient Apocalypse we visit Gunung Padang, a site claimed to be the world's largest pyramid. Cholula, the largest accepted pyramid, and Malta, to explore the Sirius connection. Guests Bill Farley and History with Kayleigh. See shownotes
An archaeologist examines the origins of the Graham Hancocks series Ancient Apocalypse. We talk about Atlantis, Theosophy, and magic. Dr. Jeb Card and Brian Dunning also join us to share their knowledge about these fringe claims.
See shownotesUncover the reality behind ancient engineering feats. Join us in scrutinizing claims of extraterrestrial intervention at ancient sites such as Ollantaytambo, Teotihuacán, and Malta. See shownotes
In this episode we explore human sacrifice practices in Mesoamerica and if British monarchy were introduced by extraterrestrials. We also look at the Bep Kororoti ceremony which some believe are evidence of astronauts visiting our planet. Finally, we examine the theory that ancient Egyptian and Viking funerary ships were designed to resemble spaceships.
See shownotesIn this episode we will explore the theories of alien visitation at the ancient Mayan city of Copán, Honduras. We will also look into astronomy on the ancient mountain of Nemrud Dagi in Turkey, and the movement and creation of the Moai statues on Easter Island. Lastly, we will see if humans' origin might have been in the Persian Gulf. See shownotes
Explore the idea of the plurality of worlds, founding fathers, and extraterrestrial life with Aaron Rabinowitz of Embrace the Void and Philosophers in Space podcasts.
See shownotesCould there be evidence for alien visitation within these holy places and the religious texts associated with them? During this episode, we will visit Jerusalem, Saudi Arabia, India, Ethiopia, and lastly, Lebanon.
See shownotesWe will solve the mysteries of the Sphinx and its possible Hall of Records using recent technology. We will also explore the Grail and Visigoth treasure hidden in Rennes-le-Château and Rosslyn Chapel.
See shownotesWe search for the legendary cities of Eldorado and Paititi, which some believe to be evidence of alien visitation. We'll also look into modern attempts to turn ordinary metals into precious metals.
See shownotesIs the genesis of the Mormon church extraterrestrial? We look at its ties to the moundbuilder myth and later learn about Blackfoot mythology, the fate of Ambrose Bierce, and more.
See shownotesIn the episode 'Aliens in the wild west', we will investigate the alien buried in Aurora, Texas. We also look into some strange claims about the Serpent Mound. See shownotes
Are five hills in Bosnia evidence for a 35 000 year old pyramid building civilization? Where did this claim start and what is true and not about it?
See shownotesIn this episode we will into claims that Nazi Germany had contact with or built their advanced weponry upon lost alien technology. From the episode called Aliens and the Third Reich.
See shownotesThis is an episode that will bring us to the warm sun in Greece to visit the ancient gods up on Mount Olympus. We will travel more north and to the great halls of Odin and Thor. Could these mythological gods really be aliens in disguise?
See shownotesDid Alexander the Great meet his greatest defeat against an extraterrestrial airattack? In this episode we will break down episode six from season two (Ancient Aliens S02E06) called “Alien Tech”.
See shownotesOur host Fredrik continues the mission to discover what is genuine, fake, and somewhere in between on the TV-show Ancient Aliens. In this episode we will break down episode 8 from season 2 called “Unexplained Structures”. This episode will take us across the globe, exploring places and buildings that the show claims modern science can’t explain.
See shownotesIn this episode we’re going to look closer about the claims about aliens being behind many of the disasters that happen around the globe. Both in the ancient past and in the present day. Why would the aliens want to get rid of us humans, are they trying to correct a mistake or something else?
See shownotesToday when we hear the word angel we might picture fluffy kids with wings. But is this really how angels are portrayed in the bible? Would what we think an angel is be wrong and what’s really described in the bible is extraterrestrial beings?.
See shownotesMysterious places, they appear across the globe. Places where things mysteriously disappear, where strange beings lurk in the shadow and the technology stops working. Could there be an otherworldly explanation to this? Could it be a wormhole? Do they really exist? I’m just asking questions. Or am I?
See shownotesA wall is broken down during a renovation, revealing what could be another world. Is a priest in Ecuador in possession of metal plates that could hold the answer to if aliens visited us. A flying ace is breaking a world record reaching the north pole, but did he maybe go even further than that?
See shownotesAre there cases for ancient aliens that an archeologist would not be able to explain? Buzzfeed Unsolved seems to think just that and did release a video presenting what they think is the best evidence for ancient aliens.
See shownotesDo small statues found in Japan indicate that sushi, tea and kimonos originate from otherworldly beings? Atlantis, according to Plato this mythic land would be outside the pillars of Heracles, but could he have been wrong? Did aliens try to contact us in Japan by drifting ashore in a hollow boat in 1803 with a box some might say contained a super computer?
See shownotesA peak at the Big Ear telescope makes a researcher scribble WOW! on a printout. A big firefight lasts for hours in Los Angeles, but are the targets really from this earth? A farmer finds debris on his land, according to some this is the start of the largest coverup in US history.
See shownotes1561 Germany, are reports of colors in the sky signs of alien battle? 1668 an American preacher looks through a telescope and notices something on the moon. 1187, as Saladin's forces break through the gates to Jerusalem, a few soldiers smuggle out a precious artifact and hide it on a Canadian island.
See shownotesWhat does an ancient town in Pakistan have in common with the Manhattan project? Is there a connection between Bristol and Columbus' first voyage to America?
See shownotesJesus of Nazareth, was he really the son of god or maybe just an alien among us. Could patterns in British fields be attempts of communications of unknown beings? Will 13 skulls reveal the answer about life, the universe and everything?
See shownotesIf aliens did visit us, what was their mission? Is the Annunaki a set of gods or something more sinister? Is there a hideous creature hidden away in Saqqara Egypt? Was Homo Erectus victims of genetic experiments?
See shownotesWe continue to dissect Episode 2 “The Visitors”. The investigation continues with the Zuni people, Huangdi, Annunaki, Zeus, Panspermia, time travel and a junkyard tornado. Unfortunately we won’t discuss how perfect bananas are. To be honest it would have been better.
See shownotesWhat would the Nazca Lines, elongated sculls, Akhenaten, and the Dogon tribe have in common? The answer seems obvious, according to the History Channels TV show Ancient Aliens, but what would an archeologist think?
See shownotesWhat do stone work, table saws, Puma Punku, Macu Picchu, Nicolas Tesla, Stone vases, Manna, algae and Sundays have in common? Why do obelisks have water wheels in this episode? Find out answers to these questions and more in the second part of "The Evidence".
See shownotesAre we alone in the universe? Have we ever been visited by alien lifeforms and is there evidence of this?
See shownotesEver watch Ancient Aliens and wonder if any of the claims are true? Join archeologist and podcaster Fredrik Trusohamn as he digs up the truth behind all those crazy theories. Join us for this insightful podcast, where we go thru every episode to see what’s true and what’s not.
See shownotes